Low Income Subsidy (LIS)

The Low-Income Subsidy (LIS), also known as "Extra Help," is a program that helps low-income Medicare beneficiaries pay for their prescription drug coverage (Part D). It is designed to assist people with limited financial resources, to afford the costs associated with the Medicare Part D drug coverage.

The LIS program provides financial assistance to eligible Medicare beneficiaries, to help them pay for their monthly premiums, deductibles, and co-payments for their Part D drug coverage. It also provides additional assistance for beneficiaries who enter the coverage gap or "donut hole" by paying for a portion of the costs of covered drugs while they are in the gap.

Eligibility for the LIS program is based on income and resources. In general, individuals with an annual income of less than $19,140 for an individual or $25,860 for a married couple, and who have limited assets (less than $14,610 for an individual or $29,160 for a married couple), are eligible for the LIS program.

The LIS program is administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and to apply for the LIS, beneficiaries can contact the SSA, or apply through their state's Medicaid agency.

It is important to note that LIS is only available for Medicare beneficiaries and it does not cover the costs of other services such as hospital or doctor visits. Also, the LIS program is periodically reviewed to see if beneficiaries still meet the income and resource requirements, so beneficiaries should reapply if their circumstances change.

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